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Dear Valentine

Hearts on Valentines Day

There is not a day that goes by, I am not grateful for you. I am so glad we met, and you have shown me who I can become. Your love and support have been my foundation and helped me grow so much. I promise to keep you in my life and love you unconditionally.

All my life, I wondered when you would show up. When you did what life would be like with you. It's been an amazing journey with you, and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I look forward to the future with you, because together we can create something beautiful.

It's like being on an adventure, not knowing where you'll end up, but trusting that the journey will be filled with joy and adventure.

This journey has not always been easy. There have been dark days when you knew I did not have the answers I needed to succeed and be happy. I felt alone until I felt your love embrace me. Prayers were answered by God as only he can. Each day, I continue to be a work in progress, as you still hold my hand and heart.

I knew there would be no gifts. But when I look in the mirror, I see the greatest gift of all, me. You taught me that love is the only thing I need and that everything else is secondary. You showed me that no matter how hard life gets. I can always rely on your love and strength. You gave me the courage and confidence to be who I am and never give up.

I love you my Valentine. We got it! We may not always understand why things happen the way they do, but I've learned to trust that life gives us the lessons we need to learn. I'm grateful for the journey and for the love we have shared. I love you, and I'm looking forward to our future together.

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Unknown member
Feb 15, 2024

That was beautiful!

Unknown member
Feb 16, 2024
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Thank you!


Unknown member
Feb 14, 2024

Love this sis! Happy Valentines Day!

Unknown member
Feb 14, 2024
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Thank you!


Unknown member
Feb 14, 2024

Beautiful write up


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