The other day I was on IG and came across a post from ThirdEyeThoughts. I thought of my journey of pain, growth, and healing.
This road is with so many emotions I don't speak.
" I hope you heal from the things you'll never speak about." -ThirdEyeThouhts.
My scars run deep; the healing covers them.
" Hush, we will not speak of such things, but why, we don't. "
Recently having suffered a loss of a loved one, I wonder about my healing.
The heartbreak not talked about everyday pain deepens on the outside a smile.
"I hope you heal from the things you'll never speak about."
Salt and pepper hair, eyes brown as the caramel. A heart that speaks love and promises abound.
You hold the key to your healing, whatever your story; don't let the scars to the surface.
You know the truth!
Salt and Pepper hair.
