Today I went for my walk on the trail.
The weather was perfectly overcast still, a great day.
It had been a couple of months since I challenged myself with a walk/run.
Today I pushed my limit!
I ran the furthest I had in a very long time.
I kept my head up and looked ahead.
It helps you to see your progress.
As I continued my walk/run, I pushed myself again and again.
I was happy with my results. My cardio fitness was above average.
Whether it's in your personal life or business when was the last time you pushed your limits?
The other thing to consider is as you push your limits, look ahead.
Never look behind the results can be disastrous.
Imagine yourself running then; you look in the rear; you might run into someone or hit a wall.
Looking in the rear is what you should avoid.
Push your limits; you'll amaze yourself at what you can accomplish.
Start with something small and then progress to bigger and better dreams/goals.
Make it to the finish line.
None of the activities should be harmful to yourself or others.
