Aug 1, 20221 min

Stop Comparing

I do not need to remind everyone we live in a very different world.

Social Media has consumed our lives in many ways. Good, bad, or indifferent, it is here to stay.

It is so important to understand what is really vs. fantasy.

The same, in my opinion, is the in the corporate world.

Read this quote:

I knew people who would always compare themselves to their co-workers.

I watched this happen during the performance review period.

You would even hear the conversation on the floor. I was guilty of this, and wonder how some received an opportunity over me.

I would waste so much time during a comparison of my performance or credential against someone.

It was a waste of time and energy.

I learned I should have been horning in; on how to elevate myself to the next level. If you want to compare yourself to someone, look in the mirror.

That is the only person you should compete with each day.

You are your only competition, stop allowing outside influences to steal your joy and peace.

Instead, elevate to the next level!
