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For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of traveling; there was one problem I didn't enjoy flying or being in closed spaces for a long time. My fears and other excuses in my head got in the way; there was the excuse of money, time, career, people, the list goes on and on. Why did I allow this to get in my way? Why did I allow fear to keep me from enjoying so many things?

Fear can paralyze you in your tracks, creating a narrative that you will allow to become our truth.

We know not everyone can conquer their fears.

Iyanla Vanzant said it best:

"Life is a process of growing, outgrowing, and growing some more.
The only way we can grow into our divine identity is to live through and outgrow the limitations we place on ourselves."

I wish I had learned this earlier in my life when I was free to travel without restriction or limitations.

I can give a long list of reasons but, I would just be beating myself up about something right now.

I can't change the past; it already happened; I can choose to look forward.

Greece, here I come!

So I challenge you to face your fear or eliminate your excuses.

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