February 1 marks the first day of Black History Month. The theme this year is Black health and wellness. Some people want to silence the voices of the past, present, and future. We need to continue to educate ourselves and all future generations of our history. Remember education, begins in the home; education is knowledge, power, and wealth. Empower yourselves with knowledge versus hatred.
We need to learn to embrace all brothers and sisters. Let's do this!

Well said. Black History is part of American History. Without it, you don't have America today.
Amen! You said a mouth full!
Now, let's think about it...white America is trying to rewrite history in all its volumes and addendums to make it all a fairy tale. America is a melting pot of all races; Black History shouldn't be separate. Yet, it is! I'm okay with it because we will keep it real and to that, I say Black History is a 24/7, 365, and forever truth that cannot be erased.