Within the corporate world, you may come across people you find it hold to relate whether they are on your team or another department. Be professional and not allow your emotions to get in the way.
Before you respond, think, remember your brand and never be part of the solutions; learn not to allow others to engage you in their issues.
Here are a few tips:
Be sure to be accountable for your actions
If you do not under the "ask" be sure to get clarification
Keep document
Involve leadership/human resources when appropriate
Speak truth
My motto is to be part of the solution and not the problem.
Her voice will not be silenced

Being part of the solution will get you more recognition than you think. Even when you're not favored by your superior, they will begin to see how much you're an asset. Do what you must to get positive reviews and to excel yourself esteem. When you shine within, your glow will be evident in your step.