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Protect Your Energy

"Whatever has power over you is becoming powerless. Chains will be broken. Strongholds released. God is freeing from the things keeping you from loving yourself."

~ Trent Sheldon

Thursday morning, I received this text message and I came across Trent Sheldon's text. For those not familiar with Trent, he played in the NFL; now is a motivational speaker. I wanted to share his message with all of you.

It made me think about all of the years I allowed others to suck my energy; my heart led me to be taken advantage of at times. Why did I not protect my energy? What was the result?

I walked around mentally and physically drained.

Taking time for yourself
Protect Your Energy

Energy is expensive, time to stop giving it away for free. I am not suggesting you charge; I'm just suggesting to be selective about what you say Yes to. I learned to stop begging people for support and no longer spend time on things of no consequence. No more draining of my energy, it's my gift to myself.

How many times have you done this same thing? It's time to Protect Your Energy! Start saying "No" when you feel it is not right and be okay. This does not make you an uncaring person; you know your heart is good. It is your choice to do what is best for your expensive energy.

Energy depleted does not serve you well. The impact on your mind, body, and soul is immeasurable and, you can't be your best self for anyone, most importantly yourself.

I am okay with protecting my energy from now on, being my best self; that is the energy I want to give. I know it will take practice, and being purposeful with this new me.

What are you willing to do to protect your energy? Think about the way(s) you can protect yourself vs. what you have already given away, and move forward. Establish boundaries about what type of energy you are willing to give away. Focus on activities that replenish your energy, instead of depleting it. Remember that your energy is precious and must be protected.

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Unknown member
Sep 08, 2023

Now and again, we unfortunately let others steal our peace. Even for a moment because we're human. Our emotions surface, and then we react. How quickly we let it go is the key. Identifying why your mind and body responded as it did ought not to be a condemnation. But, it is a sign that you have feelings; GOD made us this way. We must learn how to channel our emotions for the betterment of our growth to lead a healthy & calm life. I am a witness to the fact that I CONTINUE TO BE A WORK IN PROGRESS. I realize now that this will be our journey until the end of time.

Unknown member
Sep 08, 2023
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I agree with everything you said! Perfectly put! ❤️

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