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Quote of the Week!

Balance your Peace
Balance and Peace

It is not your job to stress over who people and who they are. Just like it is not your job to make someone else happy. Happiness comes from within so does the way people are in this world. Those who wish to change will, not our job to change them. For me, I don't have to respect or disrespect someone, some things don't deserve my attention or energy, especially if it is negative and hateful!

I am never going to be perfect but I will continue to protect my peace and energy with a higher vibration then the enemy tries to get me to feed into.

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Unknown member
Oct 16, 2023

You are absolutely right. Sometimes we need to be reminded of this. We can't change other people's minds. We can only try to educate them. If they don't want to listen, it's not your fault.


Unknown member
Oct 16, 2023

Perfectly stated!

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