When I can acress this quote posted on IG @ daily.positvequotes.x it made me pause.
Why did I pause? When we look a socity today people are so consumed with likes, followers and being the next internet sensation. What is sad, some of us have lost sight of what really matters. I want to be remembered for my heart, my kindness, etc.
Do I want to grow my audiance, of course but not at the cost of my true self.
I truly believe having the qualities listed above and more like this are critical to success and attracting the right energy. I chose to vibrate at a higher level and let the universe provide me with all of the resources I need to forfill the vision of have of myself and live my purposeful life.
Do you agree? Love to hear your thoughts.
The qualities that you listed are way more important than money. I thank God that there are still people who will not trade their integrity for money.