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Removing myself - How I avoid arguing and negative situations.

We live in a time of trauma, negativity, and hatred non-stop. It is so difficult not to be impacted by work trauma or our social environment. For these reasons, so many suffer emotionally and mentally.

For me, I refuse to argue or be around negative energy, instead, I remove myself.

Here are some coping mechanisms when dealing with a negative person or situation.

I focus on breathing and mindfulness. I also try to find something positive in the situation.

Lastly, I express my feelings non-confrontationally and understandingly.

This helps me to stay in the moment and not get overwhelmed. By focusing on my breathing and the positive aspects of the situation, I can move away from feelings of fear, anger, and anxiety.

Additionally, expressing my feelings without getting confrontational allows me to communicate more effectively with those around me. For instance, rather than getting angry or upset when I disagree with someone, I can calmly explain my feelings and thoughts to reach a better understanding.

There have been situations where I have had to remove myself completely. This has enabled me to find a balance between expressing my feelings and maintaining a healthy relationship with those around me. It has also helped me stay true to my beliefs while respecting others' beliefs.

It is not about who is right or wrong but active listening, and admitting when I am wrong. As an anonymous author once wrote: “The fool who knows his folly becomes wise by that fact. But the fool who thinks he's wise - He's called a fool indeed!”

If I can't have a calm discussion, I will withdraw myself in silence. Sitting in my peace reflecting on being brave and kind.

" Distance is my new superpower. I no longer react, I no longer argue. I simply remove myself."

~~Renee' J. Taylor

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Miembro desconocido
31 may 2023

YES! However, this method takes much practice. The outcome is rewarding.

There are those folks that you literally must physically walk away from but with a smile.

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Miembro desconocido
31 may 2023
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Yes it does take practice! Trust me I know all too well. 🤣❤️🥰

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