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It's a possibility

When I was a child, I dreamt of all the possibilities. There was nothing I could not achieve. I wanted to sing, play the violin, be in a play, and be a

veterinarian. I would do it all with no boundaries or limitations.

Somewhere along the way, I left the path, and this train never got back on track. Looking back, this was because the path I chose was not the one for me.

Now am back and track and ready to conquer and make my dreams a reality. I will never remain broken by my experiences but alive and dispute them.

Understand your plans, visions, and dreams may manifest differently, and embrace the new differently. Honestly, there were times I did not accept the new path, and it hindered my forward momentum. My big life was like a maze at times, and I was trying to find my way.

First, I had to learn to come to peace with the new path so I could begin to fulfill my destiny and cross off the manifestation on my vision board or my journal.

I saw this quote, in my opinion, sums it all up. It's called, Trust in the wait.

Trust In the wait;

"Do not stress what is out of your control.

Accept your reality with dignity and honor.

What is for you will find its way to you.

Have patience." ~ Unknown

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